So things have finally fallen into place. After quite possibly the shittiest summer ever – ignoring my rendez-vous in England and Edmonton (funny, both beginning with ‘e’)- life is looking up.
I’ve five days left and counting until I get to see my love. Exactly 14 days til I begin my new job. Yes, last week I graduated from university, the next week I get offered my first ‘real’ job. ‘Hello Samantha, this is – from the Student Union, we would like to offer you the job.’ I felt like I had won the lottery. Once I had graciously, though noticeably excited accepted their offer, I started to bounce up and down screaming in my flat like a 3 year old at Christmas.
I could not contain my excitement when I was offered the position today after interviewing for it (via Skype) only hours beforehand. My biggest concern was her telling me I was ‘way overqualified’ for the position, but all of my preparation, research and talking away to myself about my strengths and weaknesses all came together and now, I couldn’t be happier.
Just yesterday Ashton finally found us a ‘home’. It’s about a block away from Whyte Avenue, which is like Bank Street in Ottawa. It’s a standard one-bedroom in a walk-up but we’re thrilled to be together. This is the post about numbers it seems. When I was packing earlier this week I found a ticket stub from the first night Ashton and I became a couple. The Vagina Monologues- March 7th, 2009. This has been the longest relationship that I’ve been in in over 2 years. The sad thing is however is that our time has been limited ever since then. We’ve seen each other twice since the beginning of May (but for week(s) at a time. It’s been 7 weeks now and it sucks.
On to more non-relationship related topics. I had the opportunity to go to my friend Mike’s cottage in Val Des Monts with about 20 of my closest college friends last weekend. It was kind of cathartic though as so many of us are leaving for other places- be it Montreal, Toronto or Australia and Ethiopia. As happy as I was to get to see them, I had to remove myself several times in an attempt to sort out how I was feeling. Everyone is growing up with such big goals and plans for the future. It’s thrilling but difficult to digest at times. These are the people that I used to send out songs to on my old radio show and bounce around in the mosh pit at punk rock shows. Now they have full degrees, partners and so much potential to achieve all of their dreams it’s quite intimidating. I feel blessed to have such wonderful and supportive friends. It was absolutely beautiful the entire weekend and I have an awkward burn to prove it. I kayaked out to the middle of the lake with Tyler and we were both sad to realize it could be the last chance we’d have for a long while to hang out just the two of us. Then he farted and everything was back to normal.
I’m really proud of myself today. I’ve accomplished what I set out to do and now I’m ready to begin a life with my partner in Edmonton. Life is pretty damn good today.