When I was living in the UK, every Sunday morning I would wake up, make some tea and dunk digestive cookies into it while I wrote ‘my life’ to everyone ‘back home.’ Well, I plan on doing that the same, however there are some major differences now:
1. I don’t have any Digestive cookies, I’ve since gone vegan
2. I’ve replaced my traditional Earl Grey tea with ‘Morning Thunder’ tea
3. Ahem, no hangover
4. Lastly, I’m not waking up alone
If you’ve been following before, I had been having a hard time in the last two weeks but this week things got better. Yes, dare I say it, Ashton and I made friends! We actually left our flat to socialize! He’s since had me up past my bedtime for the last three nights in a row doing cool things found only in Alberta.
Speaking of which, there has been the most insane windstorm ever going on here since yesterday morning.

My job is still kind of silly, I don’t mean to be so efficient at the few tasks I get done in such a short period of time, but I’ve realized that most likely I can get some major writing done there. I have been getting a little distracted lately though when everyone assembles by the coffee machine and talks about the weather, or Eskimos, or…? I’m grateful for the job, I honestly don’t know how long I’m going to last. I’m missing school and am seriously considering taking a creative writing class here at the uni but need to first justify the money. Something I DO need to invest in: warmer clothes!
However with this job, I’ve had a little bit of time to spend on the internet on all the sites NOT blocked, enter Couchsurfing.com. I’ve been involved in couch surfing since living in Europe. It’s this awesome network of people, travelers, bohemians, artists, all willing to invite you into their home and life for that period of time you’re in their home town. Well, they also welcome new Edmontonians I learned at their montly ‘meeting’ (read: party). Ashton and I left on a cloud so excited to have made ‘FWENDS! YAY!’
I’m going out with some of our new friends today to the Edmonton international Film festival . We’re catching the shorts series called ‘In Our Own Backyard’. The Film soc is co presenting it- more news on them and a particular festival I’ve been asked to organize later in the week.
Ashton and I saw this film on opening night. Not Quite Hollywood http://edmonton.bside.com/2009/films/notquitehollywood_edmonton2009
Ladies and gentlemen I finally did it. I finally stepped foot into ‘Alberta’s Number One Tourist Destination’… for a PUNK show. Yes, a punk show in a MALL. We went out with Ashton’s brother and friends to go see The Gaslight Anthem. They played for over 2 hours! Everyone else seemed to be into them but instead I stood there contemplating how my relation to punk rock has evolved.
Especially considering one of the opening bands and I have a bit of a history. I love The Loved Ones. And they were kind enough to think I was hot enough to get some major VIP privileges one time in Ottawa. They were actually really nice guys and I’m glad their band is still going strong.
K- I have to go wake a sleepy boy.