August 24th- the beginning of a new life.
So I’m on a train. I just passed through Brockville, the city my mum was born in. I know my grandparents on my mum’s side helped to establish the town but I’ve never much been there.
It was funny leaving Ottawa this morning. It was eerily similar to whenever I’d leave by night cover in Europe. The green hills and random industrial areas look the same. The rising sun, the same as the one I saw over the Penines going into London.
I’ve actually never been on a train in Canada before. I imagine this makes me either a seasoned traveler or posh elitist; the last time I was on a train was in Africa. Or just the tube. It seems only suiting that my European friends happen to be the ones online I’m talking to right now.
Today marks the first day of a new life. Our life. The future is mysterious though I know I will be with Ashton. I went to bed a bit sick last night and woke up to a song that’s ridden with negativity. Was this a sign?
Trains in themselves have followed me my whole life. Whenever I would go to my grandmother’s cottage we’d always lift our feet over the rail or just sit back and count the cars whenever we couldn’t beat them. My mother is finally excited for me and this opportunity. We went to tea at the Renfrew Tea House on the weekend and it was apparent how proud and happy she is for me now.
I wonder if I’ll look any different to Ashton. I wonder if he’ll look different. I wonder how these last 8 weeks have changed us. Most people love the summer but I’ve been praying for the end of it just to be with him.
The train announces my arrival. Loudly, it whistles.
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